If there is one great thing technology has done to the world, it is to keep us informed 24/7 what is happening anywhere and everywhere right there in our living room. Imagine, typhoons in vivid color as the victims present their travails right where they are - in pain, in utter desperation, still hopeful amidst destruction. Sometimes the episodes are so real, Malaybalayan "reaches out" through prayer, uses transcendental meditation to touch the screen and give positive energy, healing vibrations to anyone out there.
For us Catholics, October is a special month where our prayer is inspired by Mama Mary. Called the rosary month, it encourages every catholic to pray individually or as a community. We, at the College of Teacher Education who are catholic decided to pray at twelve noon and after it, have agape. How about you fellow catholics out there? Have you prayed the rosary lately?
2 weeks ago
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