Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Is plastic surgery the way to go even after sixty or seventy?

 The Today Show, CNBC, presented an interesting discussion for the elderly. The discussion revolved around plastic surgey at any age. So the succeeding topics :  what are the risks for older people? Why should older people still have plastic surgery? The doctor who was one of the resource speakers retorted quickly: Why not? Chronological age is different from physiological age. He shared that he admitted one 91 year old elderly who decided to have an eye lift! The lady doctor who was an expert on aging - about aging - told the audience that some of the patients expressed insecurity just looking at their aging bodies which plastic surgery can somehow "repair" and look "a little less wrinkled"?
Being an elderly herself, this blogger wants to feel one with the older people who decided to look better through plastic surgery. We do not want to comment on the "scientific" aspect which any surgery must be but on the meaning and interpretation we can manage to delve into. Every morning we do see our physical assets "devaluate" to mean wrinkles here and there; physical pains all over and curves that become rounder by the day.  Every morning too, we find ourselves asking, considering, what is in store for the day? Luck in the offing?How are the other members of the family doing now that others have to take care of their respective families? Are these lines on our faces altogether symbolic of what and how we have responded to the stresses and the joys of everyday encounters?
In this sense, plastic surgery should be understood within a context. Such that the elderly decides on having a plastic surgery as a way to face life  - looking better to feel good about one's body. There are risks involved but nothing is life worth taking does not involve risks. So fellow elderly: Go for it but do it for the right reason. Just remember, we should know that we view life beyond wrinkles and some form of disfigurement as "givens" due to years of existence. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" but more than this, remember "Desiderata" - "With all its sham and drudgery, it is still a beautiful world . .  Be happy!
 One good "plastic surgery" of some sort is to travel as much as you can. Enjoy the rare opportunity with family and ahhh, you will wear the best face (see photo) you can manage to project. Be happy remember?


Sha | Breast Lift in Costa Rica said...

The younger ones are allowed for plastic surgery for the reason of "enhancement". Even the minors are having it so why not an adult? I personally think that "aging" is a more valid reason than "enhancement". If you can afford it and your doctor gave you clearance for it, then what's stopping you? :)

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