Sunday, January 20, 2013

As an elderly/senior fella, what are your fears when it comes to getting sick or being hospitalized?

Fears? Every person will always have fears. For us senior and elderly, what are these in connection with getting sick or being hospitalized? 

The first fear has something to do with who will be around to help us out when sickness comes along. this is compounded by the possibility of being hospitalized which means someone will have to stay with us in the hospital. For other cultures, we find out that the aged and the elderly have prepared themselves for this occasion so there are ready caregivers whose only job is to take care of all the elder's needs. Thus the fear of these lucky persons will be not having the service of sincere caregivers.

The next fear is financial in nature. For most in fact, this point becomes their first fear. When this aspect is considered, most of the senior citizens rely on their pension which is not exactly substantial. Somehow this amount is supposed to shoulder the entire monthly expenses. This implies that being hospitalized is not supposed to be included but because many of the senior fellas do get sick and regularly do so, the fear sets in as to how to manage to get by.

The other fear is readiness for the inevitable. If death comes, will it be an easy transition and that it will be a path that leads back to God's Kingdom. This is the one fear that is so personal that only the person concerned has the answer and do something to minimize the fear of the unknown.

In the meantime, life must be lived not in the context of expecting to get sick or hospitalized or die. God is a loving Father of us all who wants us to live life to the fullest. So fellow elders and seniors, smile and live! 


Myra said...

I agree with you. I also want to buy health policies but they're pretty expensive and I only have fixed monthly income.

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