Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Elderly blues and blows are your blues and blows.

Being a 62 year old senior citizen, it is my position that all the elderly all over the world have the same if not similar blues and blows. Take for example, the blues: 1) back pains, hip pains - these become more pronounced especially when the weather is cool or during rainy days; 2) headaches, neck aches, earaches - these attack the elderly when they overeat, bend with their heads way down than the body and after a bath respectively; 3) feelings of nostalgia that trigger crying, sighing and the like and 4) do fill up this portion fellow elderly . . .

The blows: 1) loved by children especially the gown ones who have jobs of their own; b) have much time for leisurely walk, sleep and socialization; 3) have the pension and extra money devoted only to one's likes and 4) do fill up this portion fellow elderly . . .

And so it is with a happy mood that I end this blog for the elderly are normal persons who have so much more to do while the time allows them to.


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