Saturday, August 4, 2012

Solar Sports -channel for Olympics updates in the Philippines, thanks!

Today in London 2012 Olympic games were shown the running and throwing events. Fraser Price of Jamaica placed first and as the commentator aptly described she ran with poise and I hasten to add breezily topped it. She looked elderly but the way she ran promptly differentiated her from us, the physically weaker ones in keeping with our senior citizen status. Fraser, congratulations. May you keep running for your health and for Olympics glory not only for yourself but your country as well!

The women runners really get to my secret dream of becoming one too. I used to run in my younger days but only as art of a relay team! These ladies tell the world - in our behalf - want women can do if allowed to become the best of who they can be. What a feat guys, go!go!go!

In the throwing event, the athletes were shown in throwing as far as they can manage and we, the lady-audience look with admiration! At ta ladies, you make us proud.

Olympic games make every elderly and senior citizen reminisce what we could have been but still bring us back to what best we can express: to feel happy for those who have reached the pinnacles of their excellent bests!

Solar Sports - channel for Olympic updates in the Philippines, Elderly Blues and Blows exoresses her gratitude for your service.


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