Saturday, October 20, 2012

Texting is hard to do for seniors and the elderly so text providers, make it simple . . .

See my Facebook account to read the seething air of anger we expressed to Globe Management. It has something to do with the instructions that are given through texts that are o difficult to follow or if they are followed - all the hidden agenda that come with misleading text users. Oh, here goes the whole txt printed in Facebook:
Uppermost in my mind is the unfairness of it all caused by a text message Globe sent to me which stated:"Sulit ang P10 mo sa exclusive na unlitext combo para sayo!May unlimited texts + 10 minutes worth of calls ka na to Globe/TM, may 10 texts pa to other networks for 1 day. Kaya register na araw from Oct. 19-21 text TRIO 10 to 8888 . . . So I did as told and for three occasions I texted, the answer was "Sorry the keyword you entered is invalid. For Globe prepaid, just dial 8143# for free or text . . . Again, the text as asked did not seem to follow what they wanted me to do. I got so mad I wanted to call Globe yet I did not know where because when I dialled any of the numbers the response is sorry. . . Just when I was so angry I texted for the last time wht I texted earlier then like a miracle the answer was:"You may now enjoy your TRIO10 . . . for the next 24 hours. From yesterday, October 20, late afternoon to this morning, I only texted onr
few persons and now it is barely 9:00 a.m. Sunday, October 21, a text reached me:Your Globe SUPERTRIO10 has already expired. To register again, ext SUPERTRIO10 to 8888. Valid 1 day. Even if I am seething with anger, I texted as asked and the answer, few moments ago states: "Sorry this service is only available to a select test group. Registration invalid."

GLOBE MANAGEMENT: Please EXPLAIN VERY CLEARLY WHAT IS GOING ON. I would like a personal clarification. To you out there Globe users, let us unite and be aware - AS IN AWARE - of what all this so called text service really offers in terms of SERVICE. IF YOU HAVE THE SAME EXPERIENCE AS MINE, JOIN ME IN THIS CRUSADE.

Let us not just write in Facebook, let us also tweet and tweet - and retweet about what Globe is globally not doing . . .
 Fellow elderly and senior citizens, any comment?


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