Tuesday, April 30, 2013

An elderly godmother all ready with her pink dress and pink high heel shoes

In all these years, this elderly has been invited to become a wedding godmother only twice. For this second opportunity, the motif is pink. The wedding will be held in Cebu City Philippines so the preparation has to be multifaceted that is, spiritual, emotional and financial. 

This senior citizen is lucky because she has godmother of her own. Her pink dress and pink high heel shoes were provided by her generous sister who is living in New York. Then she even topped it all by shouldering the fares of four of her loved ones who are going to attend the wedding. So this elderly is a godmother but she has her own godmother too. What a beautiful life it is when the world has many generous people around us.

What is it about becoming a godmother that can touch our existence whether young or elderly? Of the many let us focus on at least three. One, being a godmother is an honor and an opportunity to share your wisdom. How you manage to live life to the fullest. Second, being a godmother is a responsibility because you have decided to become the second parent of the newly wed such that it becomes inevitable to be of help should the time come that the coupe needs your guidance or assistance of any kind. Three, being a godmother is to become part of the families of the bride and the groom. This way, you make it a point to meet all the relatives.

So come May 18, 2013, the world will see this elderly dressed in pink with pink shoes on and perhaps, pink handbag too.


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