Friday, March 23, 2012

Facebook and Twitter make this senior citizens's day and of course this blogspot!

Never in a million years would I have envisioned a life where FB and Twitter would be part of it all. Yet, when my daughter left for United States of America courtesy of the International Visitors Leadership Program, not a day passes by when Facebook and Twitter do not get opened to know what she is doing and where she is going. Before, I could not understand why people get hooked on what they call FB or if you are capable of formulating 140 characters, a Twitter account.  

This senior citizen's day is complete only after cruising Facebook and formulating my tweets to get across and  be connected with a daughter located on the other side of the world. Then when I see a green spot and know she is on line, I also tried it out for the first time just relying on common sense. Somehow I get responses and the feeling of confidence is restored that she is doing just fine on her own.

Where did all the telegrams go? Where did all those mails do. Now it is plain and simple FACEBOOK and TWITTER and BLOGGING.  Thank you new social media.


stephen said...

One either gets creative in such circumstances, or sinks into despair.
new mexico retirement community

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