Am not aware if dogs all over the world are properly cared for but our "Michael" is loved. Now as a senior citizen, when I am all alone in our home, the pain of being alone is bearable. I talk to Michael and Michael, in his own unique way, talks to me. So why the blog on the query: Are dogs possible "good neighbors"? Considering more deeply the question, it is improperly worded: It should be are the owners of the dogs good neighbors or not? In the case of my neighbor, no they are NOT. They allow their dogs to go astray, chain and all, and break the pots and whatever else that get in the way when I manage to drive them away. This has been the case for so many months. But today, I finally mustered enough energy and strength to go to my neighbors' place and I really told them what I felt. It was good because later on I found out he was not the owner but one of the house helpers or something like it.
So we do not mind dogs because they always make our place safer especially when the prowlers come in the night. Our Michel barks and barks when there is a stranger and we love him for it but we also make sure he knows when to stop. So the stewards of the dogs are the ones who will make sure the dogs are properly cared for and disciplined. they should not be allowed to wander and go through the garbage bags of neighbors. Then because these dogs are not given enough food, they really look for food so they dig even the remnants of food not good for them. The dog owners, where are they? They are somewhere else doing business I am sure because all these things happen when finally I get to hear their noise and they jump over the fence and allo.
Fences are supposed to make good neighbors so we did not make our fence so high we could not see them. when the dogs are let loose they are given low fences to jump over with and the pots broken and the plants roots and all declared.
So are dogs possible "good neighbors"? The dogs should not be included in this picture because they are good pets and when their owners take care of them well then the neighbors participate in becoming good neighbors by merely doing their task as good pet owners.
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