Monday, April 16, 2012

The "death" of basic gentle ways even towards the senior citizens . . .

As we go through life, we cannot help but observe how people treat each other as they go through the motions. Take the regular trips we take. The usual scenario is to see many travelers surviving the throng of fellow travelers hoping to get seats. While we can blame monopoly of one transportation for the lack of buses and even the fare increases without the public being asked, the problem still remains, is there a seat for you? This is all the more complicated by the presence of the elderly who have to fend for themselves amidst this dilemma.

Having said the aforementioned, we proceed with the struggle of traveling with comfort. This is of course never easy to happen for already as you are well aware of, every travel experience is a picture of patience put to the test and a quest for basic gentle ways especially  towards the senior citizens. Being one of this sector it is sad to say that this quest is doomed for we no longer see this happening among the young fellow passengers. This is of course understandable because they are also paying for their seats and they deserve good service too. It is precisely because they are deprived of it that they go beyond the call of duty and revive the beautiful respect due the senior citizens. This remains a query perhaps, not a declaration: the death of basic gentle ways towards the senior citizens.

Life has to go on so fellow senior citizens, how about a signature campaign for buses just reserved for us? Any bus owner to go for this? Calling the owner of Rural Transit, are you a senior citizen yourself? If you are, we will certainly find it one of your most creative decisions to provide a bus just for the senior citizens who will be charged but with senior citizen discount in effect. How's that for proactive response to  a felt need?

Now we can temporarily say there is no death yet of basic gentle ways, but it is in "limbo" at the moment. We hope to hear from generous sponsors soon. . .


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