Friday, April 13, 2012

A sigh of relief when North Korea rocket launch failed, yet . . .

Many things keep us agitated while others make us sigh - with relief. This is the case of North Korea's Rocket launch which failed few minutes after it was released. This senior citizen who tweeted and blogged for prayers so that nobody will get hurt and the world will remain safe, gave a sigh of relief when the rocket did fail. This senior citizen tweeted and acknowledged the role of weather in thwarting the NoKor launch and gave glory to Divine Providence.

Although this failure may just be temporary for there were other countries which also launched their own rockets and failed so up to now these undertakings still persist. Still we could not help but pray that regardless of their stubborn initiatives, the good intent will always be there to stop evil plans.

We call on peace loving citizens to launch our own move to prefer peaceful means over destructive ways. As always we call on Divine Providence to enlighten the minds of leaders. Sigh:D 


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