Macmillan dictionary defines jet lag as a feeling of being very tired and sometimes confused because you have traveled quickly on an airplane across parts of the world where the time is different. The definition is so "bull's eye" because I am seeing all the signs of being jet lagged in my daughter who just arrived from her one more than one month stint in the United States of America. In fact now, all she wants to do since her arrival yesterday is to sleep when all the others are up and about and stay awake when all the others in the house want to sleep. Even the food we serve are left unattended because her appetite is not ready for it.
Since this travel is her very first - almost 18 hours from the Philippines to Japan to Detroit to Washington last March 3; then on April 6, another 18 hours, from New York to Japan then to Manila then to Cagayan de Oro City then to Malaybalay, Bukidnon Philippines, jet lag is very real for my daughter. Since the world is filled with fellow travelers we refer to some who have experienced it. Wellsphere gives some, namely: exercise, stay hydrated, eat what the other members in the family are eating, check sleep schedule, shower, eat snacks. Others give another list but the basic points are covered: that to overcome this brain fogging, energy-zapping disorder is really to go back to the regular schedule you have been doing before you finally traveled to a far place and back.
Life though teaches us that the best means to overcome whatever is the problem rests on the one concerned. As my daughter said she never got sick while she was away so we should give her leeway as she acclimates herself to the present situation she is. She has to overcome jet lag the way she sees fit.
Expect another blog when the time is ripe to share it because my daughter has gone through the cycle and overcome it with flying colors.
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