Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Retirement is two years away so this early prepare?

Would you believe this senior citizen was told to pay as much for her Social Security System when she reaches 55 but as everyone knows we do not make good of it because money is never enough if you have four children in college! Then all of a sudden this senior citizen reached 62 and applied for retirement and what happened? The more than 30 years of service in the private institution just her 3 thou plus all because according to SSS  the monthly contributions given by previous employers and my share were too small and through the years especially the last 5 years not much was done to pay much. So this is the sad plight of someone who did not prepare for her retirement. So with 2 years more to go in another opportunity to retire, whatever will be the amount will have to be treasured and this early, one should prepare.

So anyone there with the same experiences? Did you prepare early enough and today, what are you reaping in terms of your  comfortable living? May I know if this is good plan to prepare for the inevitable?

Plan One: Even before retiring, think of the hobby that you can continue during your retirement days. We are thinking of gardening: plants, herbs,fruit trees, orchids, rare collection of apots to go with some rare plants.
Plan Two: A seminar conference room where some VIPs can convene for productive brainstorming sessions. If not feasible, an emergency hostel where select visitors can stay and just share love offering like shelter for some strangers. 
Plan Three: A part two of a LORFIL Learning Resource Center where meaning persons can just come for consultancy and the like. Perhaps, they know where to come if they need resource speakers and something like this.
Plan Four: Reach-out center where bloggers can have their meeting area and with a wifi zone, a small group can have informal gathering and come up with a summit of some sort.
Plan endless: What matters is that  retirement is not really retirement but another phase of living whereby the center of attention is no longer one's self but the other.

This remains to be seen though :D


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