The older one gets, the more accepting one gets: that a person can do the most admirable act even as the same person can do the most evil. What happened in Aurora, Colorado where a lone gunman made movie going never to be the same again. Perhaps the movie being shown, The Dark Knight Rises, is an apt background of the evil deed but each of us knows it is beyond us to understand why.
Elderly or not, we want to know why can a person be so evil and massacre innocent? Imagine 12 dead and 50 or more wounded! What could have been the thinking of the suspect? Has he always manifested being evil all his life? some part of his life? or just now when he is gong through a crisis of some sort?
If others are not keen on seeing movies before, does this mean they now have enough reason never to do so again. How do you comfort the families of the dead, the wounded? Can something ever be acceptable to give the killer the benefit of the doubt?
Why can one person buy so many guns? Where did his sanity go? He seems to be educated enough so is there not even an iota of goodness in his heart that he had to plan such an evil act? We can only pray that the good will triumph and for what has happened, may God through his Spirit of Hope and Pardon enter the hearts of those who are grieving because of their loss.
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