I was not all alone when my birthday finally came. This is one of the fears of senior citizens. In my case, my daughter, the prime mover behind Mindanaoan and BukidnonOnLine and I traveled to Cagayan de Oro City, Northern Philippines to hold a family-centered small celebration. So we were joined by Videographer, Ben and One Happy Story proprietor, Bon, - my three grown children physically with me- and and the fourth member of the sibling group, Tennis Guru, Chev, the Cebu call center "magnate" was with us spiritually. They are the only people who truly mattered to me at a time when I added one year to my day of birth.
From the food served at table to movies with snacks and all other trimmings to make my day, my grown children were there. I thank God for a birthday worth a senior citizen but mainly a Mother who is always happiest once with her children, still kids or grown. I think Boni, their father, looked at us with love up there with God!
Thank you to all the others who greeted me and I learned there were those who prayed for my natal day even if they have never met me but met my children. Their comments are priceless!!! and whoever you are, you too helped make my day the best 62nd birthday!!!!!
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