Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Olympic Games at its height; Weather in Metro Manila Philippines at its Worst; Helping Hand at its Best . . .

Allow Elderly Blues and Blows to repeat its post title for information and emphasis: Olympic Games at its height; Weather in Metro Manila at its Worst; Helping Hand at its Best!

Olympic Games at its Height

Already the race for the first place is at its height - between United States and China; the number of golds is the determining factor so the two countries exchange places as their athletes keep winning. Good for them while other countries do not have even one bronze, sigh . . .

The various kinds of sports the Olympic Games leave the developing or underdeveloped countries gasping for air. How come the others have exhausted all means to do something with every sport and now their efforts are paying. Certainly those concerned with sports in other countries have not lifted a finger to do better. May we call those concerned to wake up not only for the sake of gold but for the sake of excellence. If there is one aspect of life that always makes every person, every citizen healthier, it is sports. Notwithstanding of course few athletes who dope to excel but they are in the minority.

Weather in Metro Manila and and Surrounding Areas at its Worst - Helping Hand at its Best

Pictures are the best proof particularly if it goes video so do take the initiative to open one site that gives you this information. In the case of Elderly Blues and Blows we visit different channels like GMA, ABS-CBN and TV5 and various scenarios are flashed. The Rescue Operations from the government and private agencies are admirable and awe-inspiring. Some areas flooded according to MMDA )Metro Manila Development Authority) are Aurora Boulevard, EDSA, some areas in Shaw Boulevard, Pasay and many more. Under state of calamity according to Channel 7 is Malabon. Baby Alexander, 2 months old was rescued. He was placed in a plastic container so he would not get wet. The need for food, clothing and basic necessities is urgent as ever. Every channel has provided hotline telephone numbers, Facebook and twitter accounts.

Mindanaoan.Com urges Filipinos who belong to Visayas and Mindanao and other places not affected by the calamity to refrain from negative comments. The situation of our brothers and sisters is already difficult to accept, positive thoughts and prayers for their safety will go a long way.
The Director of the Rescue Center, USEC Benito Ramos, confirms that as of August 8, the rescue is definitely under rescue mode what with so many areas still flooded. Again the videos provided by the different channels make the scenes more real than ever and our hearts bleed with worry as to how the elderly and senior citizens must be coping amidst the weather at its worst. Then Director Ramos made a good remark that the situation of the elderly, the senior citizens and the children especially the sick are foremost in their consideration!

Like the Olympic Games which is at its height, the weather of life may seem to be at its worst but the hope is eternal that the helping hand remains at its best. 


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