CNN reveals three months before U.S. presidential election the main issue is economy - better economy. The other parts of the world remark: how about the other countries? Do they know that even if the economy in the U.S. is called not good enough you just have to ask anyone outside of U.S. and the answer is readily I would like to go to the United States!
Even us the elderly and senior citizens would like to go to U.S. because whether Americans like it or not, we love United States and if given the opportunity would like to become younger by going to the United States! What a hypothesis but this is what Elderly Blues and Blows wants to state. She is soon going to retire, around 3 years more and if her daughter will get the job in the United States, particularly in New York then Elderly Blues and Blows would like to live in New York and enjoy her life after 65!
So the race for the Presidency in the United States is centered on the economy and three months from now the Americans will decide who will head their country whether in fact it is really the economy or not. In the meantime the other countries have only their dream to go the the United States because the united States is still the country of one's dreams . . .
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