Sunday, August 19, 2012

Young or old, elderly or not, life is what you make it - life makes you . . .

Young or old, elderly or not, life is what you make it - life makes you . . . we hasten to add, life unmakes you . . .

One can live for a hundred or only up to a day but short or long life is not the point but how you have lived it. Life is what you make of it or in some aspect life makes or unmakes you - we are all partakers of this reality called life.

Being an elderly is an aspect of life that is in a way a trying time for one's physical, mental and spiritual conditions are at odds with life itself. Every moment is a quest for inspiration and inspiration and inspiration. The gradual change of temper, health, perception and all things in between is a roller coaster. Life can make you or unmake you with every decision made.

The Blues and Blows of Life can come gently or harshly. At some moment, they come in ones, two's or three's but at other occasions, all at the same time. In the meantime what we have is faith and fate so we pray that both are in God's hands for our good!


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