Sunday, October 14, 2012

A grandma's love through surrogate "motherhood", a blue or a blow?

Let us be reminded of one recent scenario that happened in one family: a married daughter had wanted to conceive for quite a time but the pregnancy was never brought to its full term. She approached relatives and friends for help to be a surrogate but was never successful. Then she thought of her own mother: was it possible and would she agree? like any well-meaning mother, she agreed! To make the story short: now a mother gave birth to her own grandchild!

Is the aforementioned setting, a blue or a blow? For us who are senior citizens and elderly in thought and in word: it is unthinkable if we were to consider the morality aspect of it. We heard the side of the wife so where was the husband all this time? Was his view heard? Did he feel thoroughly consulted and now that it is a reality how is he coping with all these aspects? This is the blue side of the story.

Then there is the blow side of it all. If we do away with the technicalities and morality issues then we focus on the happiness that is the overall aura of the family. who are we to deprive the joy that children give to a couple who really wants a child of their own. Then the grandmother turned surrogate mom: who are we to tell her not to offer her gift of conception for a greater cause: that of giving to her daughter who does not become a physical  mother because she cannot bring the fetus to its full term? 

Today's world is really beyond the realm of the senior and the elderly citizens? Before the criteria for morality and immorality are clear especially those that deal with family relationships specifically husband and wife responsibilities re: conception and abortion. So for us there is a struggle to open our minds and perspectives to new points of view.We are together, young and old; married or not in the struggle to live decent and moral lives according to our faith.



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