Saturday, October 13, 2012

This feeling of indifference, is it an elderly given state or is it time to think of other hobbies?

Usually, the idea of being heard comes naturally to the professionals, more so with teachers who are used to saying aloud their ideas in the process of teaching. Now that this teacher has also become elderly and is about to retire come July 2015, she seems to feel indifference, why? Like this Sychronized Barangay Assembly which is happening all over the country, in the Philippines, she can not seem to muster enough energy to bathe and change clothes and join the assembly just a stone throw from her home. This was in a way a blessing in disguise because her eldest daughter now a well known blogger and new social media specialist and practitioner, has decided on her own volition to observe the assembly and take pictures. Do visit and to get a more picturesque perspective of our barangay's assembly.  

The present feeling leads us to ask: Is being indifferent a given state of the elderly or is it time to think of other hobbies?  This blogger has begun by planting as many banana seedlings and to this day, many months later, a big harvest has happened - bananas for dessert! When retirement time comes, come July 2015, the plan is to pursue collection of plants especially orchids and orchids and orchids - anyone offering a good price? or donations perhaps as starter sets? 

Perhaps a little clarification is in order. The feeling is not indifference, indifference for experts tell us it is the opposite of hate ( no longer love) so it is not a good choice of an adjective. The elderly just feels a little tired of sharing ideas here and there and everywhere through the many years and it is time to keep quiet and spend more time doing more concrete projects like gardening, landscaping, just planting and planting - to leave some legacy to nature. So it is not indifference just letting go and letting be.


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