Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama won! Mabuhay ka Obama!! Obama is re-elected as United States President!!!

I heard a portion of Obama's victory speech and already my eyes on its own cried. When I listened to every word the words just hit so many chords in my heart. He might have writers for his speech but whatever he gave justice to every nuance.

In an earlier blog I already expressed my wish that Obama would win and wow he did! Obama is re-elected as the President of the United States with the fervor of someone eager to work immediately because he believes in the United States of America regardless of color and religion.

Once again the United States is telling the word how election should be: that the earlier the results are given the better for everyone. More importantly Romney conceded and like a real trooper and gentleman offered that he nd his family will pray for Obama's administration. USA is one country that is truly democratic.

To Barack Obama, my prayers and congratulations! 


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