Monday, May 6, 2013

Movie time is excellent booster for the elderly's morale

One weekend  was all that was needed to boost the morale of this elderly.  Two movies in a row: one had something to do with a voluptuous, irritable yet funny actress who starred in Identity Theft while the other was The Iron Man 3. A stark contrast of two films yet this elderly left the theater smiling and feeling good.

Fellow elderly and senior citizens, we should do this more often. It gives you time to laugh heartily and loudly and at the same time allows you to just shout with horror and amazement. Indeed the movies did give this elderly the boost and an uplifted morale every middle person needs at the crossroad of life.

This also gives the adult children the tip if they really care enough for their parents who are now in their fifties, sixties and seventies. Invite them and pay for them and see as many movies you can manage. Furthermore, provide delicious snacks. Your parents will never forget this time out and the quality time you spent together.

So go now and see a movie!


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