Many have already shared that the big world has become small because of technology especially because of blogs and tweets. The elderly finds all these changes very puzzling since to become very aware and updated definitely implies being upgraded with computer literary and all the intricacy of using this machine to one's advantage.
Thus this elderly's reflection is a meager attempt to give a piece of her mind even when age does not give her the edge. Still, something must be said.
Experts say our eyes are the windows of our soul and indeed life has confirmed its truth. One only has to really open her eyes to know that the world is passing through one's life right there in the living room. The gadgets of today allow us to simultaneously see what is happening here, there and everywhere.
Reflection number one then for this elderly is the resent state of affairs of the world before us. Sooner or later we must just come to terms with the idea that we only this life to do something and so we must respond to what it offers us here and now. In the case of this elderly, she is awed at how death is becoming more and more real and that any time it can happen to her too. In fact many people she knew seemed to have died already and a number are very much younger than her. Ah, we are so busy with many things yet we know that when death comes we are all alone to face death. Faith plays a very important role.
Reflection number two is the growing reality of hate all over the world. For this elderly she is beginning to keep stock of the list of people she really does not like to see and sad to note, many are right there in her workplace. Sooner or later then the challenge is not to save the world out there but to begin where this elderly herself can do something more concrete. With God's help, she prays that the events in her workplace will allow her to open up to the Spirit of forgiveness and find in it the humility to let go of all these feelings that in the end do not help.
Reflection number three is to keep on blogging if only to find a fellow human being out there to talk with like you.
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