Monday, January 20, 2014

New Year Blues and Blows - in and out of your life - Welcome!

Out 2013 and in 2014! Am so glad we "see" each other again fellow bloggers after a forced leave off this spot. This is the sad thing with life's blues and blows especially when it attacks a senior citizen like me.

So let us catch up and consider 2013 in the realm of the past and welcome with all its possibilities, 2014. 

January is already beginning to have its impact felt in our country, the Philippines. Thus far, we have the weather topping its list of unwanted presence. So many incidents of flood, road mishaps and killings!!! So many threats to one's life you are left panting and asking, what else is next? The important defense amidst all these is to remain positive. This positive attitude has to be embraced and entwined with a strong Faith in God. Even if we do try to believe in governments and societal undertaking to protect our rights, there are evil intentions lurking just about anywhere and any thing it can stain or reach out. the environment seems to be infected of the many abuses people all over the world have gradually and incessantly amassed and all we can do is inhale all its acid.

Let this aforementioned scenario not hinder us from what the New Year has to offer. We are more than all these cruel crises like us to fear. We are created to do more and be more. We have to welcome 2014 with all its possibilities. Count me in!!! 


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