Monday, December 14, 2009

Is Malaybalay still a safe place to live in?

Berlusconi is the Prime Minister of Italy. In one political rally in Milan, he went around to meet the people when a man with mental disorder threw an object. Berlusconi suffered fractured nose, two broken teeth and severe facial trauma.

This seems to be the current trend: to throw a shoe to a president or in this case, a sharp object to a prime minister. The case Malaybalayan is putting on the table is the situation here in Malaybalay. We cannot deny anymore that bad elements have come to stay in and around our city. In fact, if you spend more time just observing as many areas in Malaybalay, you cannot help but be alarmed. Is Malaybalay still a safe place to live in?

Education 138 students, Malaybalayan challenges you to answer the question. will give space to some of your comments.


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