Monday, April 23, 2012

Elderly blue: brownouts; elderly blow: lights please!

Agencies in-charge of electricity can shout all they want that brownout is something inevitable because it is already summer. This elderly has shared in her tweets that she had to gnash her teeth to hurdle the 3-4 hour brownout everyday and the brownout happens anytime!

Indeed, there are proactive course of action that concern people can consider if the government really wants to solve the problem. But we all know the government(supposed to be the people!) is very slow when it comes to long range plans. It is interested to give "band aids" to the problems of people because there are multinationals that make sure the status quo stays. Water to be used as "electricity" was one invention and nobody gave it attention for all the big businesses that are sure to stop everything.

So with all the brownouts that are sure to haunt your day, at least we request that if there has to be brownout, it should be well planned. If possible, it should be scheduled until before lunchtime or until before 7 p.m. No brownout in the evening if possible. Lights please!


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