At a time and day when the country of the Philippines is celebrating the 29th death anniversary of Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino, father of the present President of the country, Benigno Simeon "Pinoy" Aquino, the victims of the plane crash are finally recovered. The search and rescue attempts have changed to body recovery when the fuselage of the plane was found 800 meters off Masbate and inside it are the bodies of Robredo, Bahinting and Chand.
A good word has to be said of Matt Reed, a British volunteer diver who was the one who located the wrecked fuselage. Amidst sadness and grim realization that the Secretary of the Department of Interior and Local Government and his companions, Pilots Bahinting and Chand did not make it, the presence of volunteerism, prayerful acceptance and strong faith in God's loving generosity and promise that death is not the end catalyzed the scenario.
It is even more inspiring to hear that the victims have lived lives to the full such that death is a sure entry to eternal happiness with the Maker. To Secretary Robredo, Pilots Bahinting and Chan, Rest in God's Love and we pray for your eternal Happiness with Father God.
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