Saturday, September 1, 2012

An elderly query: Why do we appreciate people- the more - only when they pass away?

It is almost pitiful to consider but it is true to a large extent - that we appreciate people - the more - only when they pass away. So we ask why?

Why? It is because we realize that we did not do enough to tell the person their greatness when there was still time.

Why? It is because we are a little hesitant how the person might accept our compliment. At least for Filipinos it is not easy for us to accept compliment especially if it is said to our face.  This is one aspect Filipinos can improve on and therefore allow ourselves to admire people as often as you meet these persons in your life. Do not wait until they die!

Why? It is because in a eulogy it is customary to just focus on the good points of the deceased. How can you be so unfeeling?

Why? It is because we do not have another time except now that the deceased is being brought to his/her last stint.

But wait - this should end here and now. We should tell the people who have been good how great they are doing and tell them to multiply their kind. Do it now. Begin with your loved ones. Begin with your husband or wife. Begin with your children. Start with your colleagues. Start while you are still alive yourself.


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